Operational Research (OR) on the implementation of meaningful inclusive youth participation (MIYP) in RHRN2 programme in Uganda, July 2022

Young people have a fundamental human right to participate in matters that affect their lives. Through active participation, young people are empowered to play a vital role in their own development as well as in that of their communities, helping them to learn vital life-skills, develop knowledge on human rights and promote civic space.

It is known that MIYP can help young people to become active agents and leaders in their communities, taking primary responsibility for making decisions on matters that affect them. MIYP is considered to be a crucial component in many youth SRHR programs. It has positive effects on empowerment and civic engagement of young people; on adult staff and organization’s capacity to institutionalize meaningful involvement of young people, and provide youth-sensitive SRHR interventions and achieve program objectives.

RHRN2 coalition partners would like to assess the implementation of MIYP in their activities for year 2022. Findings from this study will assist coalition partners to review planned activities and find ways of giving space to adolescents and youth to actively and meaningfully participate in the implementation of activities, especially those concerning promotion of SRHR information to young people in general. In addition, the study is expected to generate recommendations that promote participation of youth at the decision-making levels.

If this interests you, Please follow the following procedures to express interest;

  1. Download full TOR Here
  2. The OR should be completed by 31st Aug 2022. The total number of days for the OR are estimated to be 33 working days starting from 18th July.
  3. Interested persons should submit their technical and financial proposals to RHU Director of Programmes (DOP) at pibembe@rhu.or.ug and cc to Lawrence Muhangi (RHU M&E Manager) at lmuhangi@rhu.or.ug or hand deliver in person to RHU head office, plot 2, Katego Road, Kamwokya by close of business on Friday, 8th July, 2022 before 5:00pm.RHU will only contact eligible persons with whom further discussion is sought.